Note to the Moon

The winds devoid
of serenity, since
only silence
fills the corners
of the room and
the rows of
snow-capped mountains;
quite transparent
as the darkness
deftly, smudges
into them.

While a kid
blankly stares outside
a moving car
to seek for your
hanging body to
race along, the
flowers sincerely wait
about, to get
dusted by your
yellow-tinted light.

And meanwhile all
lugubrious faces on the
globe keep looking
up, high in the
sky with the hope,
for your silvery
flash of smile, to
blithely wipe away
their gloom

I want nothing, but
just for my words to reach
out to you, to
illuminate your face, to
lull you to sleep
because even you
can’t be okay all
the time and just like us,
can have a rather
more tough time in
disguising it sometime.

36 thoughts on “Note to the Moon

  1. I’m glad you liked my comment.

    I have been looking forward to learning more about you through your responses to the blogging awards for which I nominated you. I understand some bloggers choose not to do award responses. If that’s the case with you, I’m sorry that I bothered you with them.

    But I still admire your work.


    1. Hey! 🙂
      Please don’t be sorry!
      And yes, that surely is the case because I don’t think that’s what I’m here for.
      I’m here just to simply share the nuances of cognitive thought that float in my mind!
      And thankyou so much for such kind words! They keep me motivated!
      Have a great day! ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It was precisely those nuances of cognitive thought that I was hoping you’d reveal in the award responses. But I do understand, and I respect your decision to choose your own style and format.


    1. Hey Sonia! 🙂 Here, I’m just trying to finish things that I’ve started. Basically to create something in between what has already been addressed and what is yet needed to.
      I hope you like it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello or good evening my friend. Every day I see time go by. Reality in front of me, behind me as past. Every day, I do the same gestures the same movements, sitting in front of a cafe, I come to find you. The computer that became my friend, with him I offer you a little joy a little happiness and all the friendship I have in my heart. Enjoy well and be fully aware of the happiness of living I wish you a good weekend!
    Friendly Kisses


  3. Love the moon being a metaphor for an anchor like figure in life as everybody can rely on it and nobody feels judged by it. I recently reread Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and the moon is the one force that the monster can seek comfort in. You have an evocative way with words.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey! 🙂 It’s all about how the people we seek comfort in might sometime need the same for themselves too.
      Also, that’s really big of you to say so! Thankyou so much for such a high praise! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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